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Pokušala ispasti seksi, ali priroda ne mari za instagramuše

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Pokušala je ispasti seksi, a na kraju je samo dobro nasmijala gledatelje.

Sitara Hewitt na Instagramu je podijelila snimku na kojoj pokušava ispasti seksi u prirodi i snima se pod majušnim slapom, no čak i takav slap bio je dovoljan da joj pomrsi planove i potopi njezin seksepil.

Djevojka s oko 88.000 pratitelja na Instagramu objavila je snimku na kojoj se namješta za fotografiju pod slapom, a na kraju završi pod vodom, s nogama u zraku i pokušava se nekako iskobeljati iz nezavidne situacije. Snimku kojom je na kraju nasmijala publiku možete pogledati u nastavku.


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New fail🤦🏽‍♀️. When you’re in the ocean several days a week a wave smash is par for the course. No worries I’m all good, i have A LOT of wild nature experience....I’m like a tough little boy in an adult woman’s body 😂. . Some bruised up knees but again bravery and experience bring me to life more than sitting on the sidelines. Also I know my body really well and am in good shape, so I can handle a lot of what nature throws my way. Be careful unless you feel super confident & have experience before jumping in! Mother Nature teaches me to learn her ways and respect her. Plus I swear the ocean is calm when I get in it lol. . 👙 @emeliaswimwear

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‘What if I fall?’ ‘My dear, what if you fly?’ 💫 . To be honest I’ve been going through it lately....moments of overwhelm, anxiety, and not knowing what path is best for my little one and I. So many factors to consider it was weighing on me. .🌹💫⚡️ And then i started to realize, I just need to focus on today, this week and what we need to feel good. 📺➡️🌲That means some discipline in where I put my energy. I can’t go down the rabbit hole of the Internet, or the media😳. I’m a ‘researcher’ personality type. But it can start to really take me down when I see only the dark in the world. Sometimes we need to step away, take care of our mental well-being. 🕊🐇🦦 What I’ve learned is that GETTING OUTSIDE will always raise my mood. Calm and energize me. Help me to get out of my head and my way. 🌹🌲🌬🍇🐇 So if you’re experiencing this stuff too, i am sending you love and i know that you’ve got this. Get outside and move your body and help your kids get out there too. Be kind to others, they may be struggling too and appreciate a kind hello. 🌬 Breathe and trust in the universe, and trust in your intuition. 🙏🏽🌹You’ll know what to do when it’s time, and you are supported by a higher power even in darker times.♥️

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