Radnja ove serije je smještena tisućama godina prije radnje kojoj smo svjedočili u Hobbitu i Gospodaru prstenova, a navodno ćemo gledati stvaranje prstenja te Sauronov uspon. Amazon je samo za prava izdvojio 250 milijuna dolara, a šuška se kako je u realizaciju dosad utrošeno više od milijardu dolara, od toga više od 400 milijuna za prvu sezonu. A tu su još i buduće sezone te potencijalni spin-off. Bilo bi stvarno tužno da nisu sav taj novac uspjeli pretočiti u kvalitetnu seriju.
Izašao je čitav trailer za seriju The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. Čini se kako je Amazon dobio uvid u popularnost HBO-ove serije House of the Dragon pa su morali nešto poduzeti i brže-bolje smo dobili trailer. Jedna od najskupljih serija svih vremena izgleda fantastično (pun intended).
— The Lord of the Rings on Prime (@LOTRonPrime) August 23, 2022
Znači li ovo novu eru za ljubitelje fantasyja?
Iako na trenutke trailer izgledao kao filmsko iskustvo, društvene mreže su podivljale.
Naravno da postoje i cinici koji nisu sretni i ništa im neće biti dovoljno dobro, pogotovo dok ih pere nostalgija za originalnom trilogijom.
Amazon has to be flipping out over reaction to The Rings of Power trailer. It's getting destroyed!#TheRingsOfPower #Tolkien
People REALLY don't like Rings of Power. This ratio is insane! https://t.co/oGWQqfH2X3— The Loftus Party (@theloftusparty) August 24, 2022
Nekim fanovima se nije svidjela pjesma u traileru. Nadamo se kako će to biti jedina negativna stvar.
Yes, nothing says "Lord of the Rings" more than a shitty pop song trailer. https://t.co/cpchPKPYIf
— Weaponized Nerd Rage (@WeaponizedRage) August 23, 2022
Neki sretnici su već pogledali prve dvije epizode
Neki recenzenti su dobili priliku pogledati prve dvije epizode serije i svi su redom oduševljeni, nismo pronašli nijednu negativnu riječ vezanu za seriju. Jedino što je istaknuto je ambicioznost čitavog projekta – gradi se potpuno novi svijet i prve dvije epizode sigurno nisu dovoljne kako bi se zaplet pa… zapleo.
The Lord of the Rings: #TheRingsOfPower instantly captured my imagination w/ captivating stories & characters in a Middle Earth that's both familiar & new.
The story/setup is so dense, however, the pacing in EPs 1 & 2 is rather slow, but it definitely leaves you wanting more. pic.twitter.com/nJJSHFMaLo
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) August 24, 2022
I can now say that the first 2 episodes of #TheRingsOfPower are as cinematic as fantasy can be on TV. Feels made especially for Tolkien fans and is as *epic* as LOTR should be.
JA Bayona and cinematographer Óscar Faura continue to make magic together, a real dream duo. pic.twitter.com/YsBRrpf6Mb
— Andrew J. Salazar (@AndrewJ626) August 24, 2022
I've seen the first two episodes of LOTR: The Rings of Power, and it's… interesting. A lot of setup, a lot of disparate stories and characters to flit between. Promising though.
Oh, and it genuinely looks incredible. You believe that this was the most expensive TV show around. pic.twitter.com/XeLOt21NLf
— James Whitbrook (@Jwhitbrook) August 24, 2022
#TheRingsofPower is definitely a promising return to Middle-earth based on the first episodes. Stunning visuals, compelling characters, and a magnetic lead in Morfydd Clark's Galadriel, who refuses to surrender the widely-held belief that Sauron is defeated. Can't wait for more. pic.twitter.com/XNf9Xie0Qm
— Carly Lane-Perry (@carlylane) August 24, 2022
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