Neuredni ukućani mogu biti izvor velikih frustracija, a posebno frustrirajući su oni koji ne znaju pravilno otvoriti ni najjednostavnije pakiranje. Nekima probleme zadaju obične kartonske kutije za žitarice, a drugi se muče čak i s otvaranjem mlijeka.
Izgledaju li vam prizori iz galerije poznato jer i vi imate takve štetočine u kućanstvu, svakako provjerite u nastavku.
How my husband opens a cereal box..smh..not an ad..just my real life :-D #marriage #yikes
— Parenting in Motion (@ParentingMotion) August 7, 2015
One day I’ll be able to open a cereal box without it looking like a wolverine did it
— Kristen (@Kica333) May 28, 2019
Apparently this is how my husband opens new spices because 'it's easier to use a knife thru the holes'. #MarriedLife #plasticpiecesfordinner
— Megan Morris (@megmorris130) September 27, 2016
How my wife opens bags
— Jesse Buss (@TheJesseBuss) February 29, 2020
My mom has such a chaotic evil energy. This is how she opens the bottle of milk...
— Nelkoya⁷ (@nelkoya) February 4, 2020
This is how my colleague opens a loaf of bread.
— Poffle (@Poffle) January 19, 2019
Behold, how Abby the Barbarian opens mail. @abominable_abby
— Nikki VanDoren (@NikitaEvita) July 20, 2019
This is how my brother opens a tin of beans #couldhaveusedatinopener
— Tara Simpkin. (@TaraSimpkin123) September 19, 2012
This is how my friends roommate opens jars. #retirriterende #dansk #mildlyinfuriating
— Lidt irriterende (@Lidtirriterende) January 11, 2016
How my brother opens his soda cans
— Gili (@GiliaraGuy) April 4, 2020
How my roommate opens wine.
— SobAlert (@SobAlert) February 12, 2015
This is how my manager opens cartons... jail time
— Tatiana (@tatibantiles) September 30, 2019
How my wife opens packages: from r/mildlyinfuriating
How my husband opens resealable bags from r/mildlyinfuriating
The Way My Wife Opens Things from r/mildlyinfuriating