“Ne, ja sam suprotnost slavnima “koji se ne tuširaju”. Tuširam se (hladnom) kad se dignem iz kreveta i započinjem dan. Tuširam se (toplom) nakon treninga i prije posla. Tuširam se (vrućom) nakon što se vratim s posla. Umivam se, perem tijelo, koristim pilinge i pjevam (off key) pod tušem.”
Nope, I’m the opposite of a “not washing themselves” celeb.
Shower (cold) when I roll outta bed to get my day rollin’.
Shower (warm) after my workout before work.
Shower (hot) after I get home from work.
Face wash, body wash, exfoliate and I sing (off key) in the shower 🧼 🎶 https://t.co/iE6ZPhrthL— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) August 7, 2021
Izvor: Uniland