Sreća u nesreći
Mala obitelj pasa napuštena u voćnjaku istrčala ispred automobila tražeći pomoć
Piše M. A. M.,
21. ožujka. 2025. @ 11:34
Čovjek se nedavno vozio kroz voćnjak u blizini Fresna u Kaliforniji kada je primijetio malu obitelj pasa kraj ceste. Kad je prišao bliže i ugledao mamu, shvatio je da čuva sedam sićušnih štenaca.
Iako je čovjek želio pomoći, bilo je previše pasa koje je mogao povesti, a mama pas bila je previše uplašena da pođe s njim. Za pomoć se obratio Helgi Weiss, predsjednici udruge Paw Squad 559 i suosnivačici California Spay and Neuter. Prije nego što je otišao, označio je lokaciju mjesta gdje je pronašao pse i ostavio im hranu i vodu.
Weiss je zabrinutom čovjeku rekla da će odmah ujutro doći po pse. Sljedećeg jutra, kada je Weiss stigla, razgovarala je s lokalnim radnikom na ranču koji je hranio pse. Zahvaljujući njemu su sami preživjeli nekoliko dana na otvorenom, a radnik je Weiss otkrio i tužnu vijest, da je jednog od štenaca iz legla uzeo kojot, prenosi The Dodo.
Pas sa svojim štencima na cesti
Mama pas je razumljivo bila izuzetno oprezna prema strancima. Weiss je provela dva i pol sata s njom i hranila ju je kobasicama prije nego što je pridobila njezino povjerenje. Kada je konačno shvatila da je Weiss tu da pomogne, potpuno se transformirala, a Weiss je počela plakati od čistog olakšanja i iscrpljenosti.
@crittersandcrystals I'm tired. 💔 The things we see daily is extremely exhausting. We want to save them all, but there's just too many. With shelters overflowing and closed to intake, people are just dumping dogs left and right. It's like a third world country. While our shelters don't want high kill numbers, animals are on our streets dying horrible deaths, and suffering first. Yesterday I got a call about this little family in the middle of no where. Mom wasn't approachable and the person calling couldn't take 8 dogs home. After all, who can? Throughout the night I felt sick. I literally didn't sleep. I just kept thinking of the photos sent to me and how scary it must have be for mommy. She's trying to keep her babies safe, and fed, somewhere food and water isn't. I knew our rescue couldn't take them, and after posting a plea for help, no one else could as well. WE ARE DROWNING. Regardless my heart and mind wouldn't let me not go out there. So I did. Upon arrival I lost my sh*t. I was balling on the side of the road because no one is doing anything to protect the animals. Laws are not being enforced or followed. Animals are suffering, and it's at the point us rescues are on the edge of quiting. I'm forever grateful to my sweet friend who has just as big of a heart as me who begged the rescue she fosters for to take the family, and they said yes. She said if I could get them, they would take them. So failure wasn't an option. Two hours later I was able to secure the whole family in my car. After loading mom, she took one long sigh of relief, and began to lick the tears off my face. This is the reality I live in. Day in and day out I answer hundreds of calls to tell people I can't help. I try my hardest to aid all those I can, but this is no easy task. I'm not animal control, I'm not a paid person, I'm just someone who was put on this planet to help them in any way I can. Trust me when I say it brakes me to know I can't save them all. I'm just asking for one thing. Please, for the love of dogs, Fresno do better. I'm tired. I'm so f*cking tired. If you would like to donate to this family donation options are in my bio. 🩷 @morganwallen 'Smile'. 🩷 #Fresno #California #dogs #Dogsofttiktok #rescuedogsoftiktok #SecondChance #Adopt #LoveWins #pure #raw #rescuelife #Hero #Fyp #Tired #emotional #SpayandNeuter #dobetter #MyLife #Everyday #Laws #Law #change #morganwallen ♬ Smile - Morgan Wallen
Pas i njezinih sedam štenaca otišli su kod udomiteljice, a udomiteljica je brzo primijetila da nešto nije u redu. Odvela ih je veterinaru, koji je psima dijagnosticirao parvo, vrlo zarazan i često fatalan virus. Srećom, uz pravu brigu i tretman, štenci su se oporavili i ubrzo su se pridružili ostatku.
Pas sa svojim štencima na cesti
Mamu štenaca nazvali su Mother Goose, svi njezini štenci nazvani su po likovima iz bajki, a uskoro će svi biti dostupni za udomljavanje.
Spas u zadnji čas
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