Društvene mreže neiscrpan su izvor trikova, i onih koji navodno pomažu u kućanskim poslovima te ostalim svakodnevnim aktivnostima i onih koji nemaju neku praktičnu funkciju, ali izgledaju atraktivno.
Andrei Emelianov bavi se isprobavanjem najrazličitijih trikova objavljenih na društvenim mrežama te provjerava jesu li stvarni ili je riječ o samo vještim montažama. Neke od trikova koje je testirao prenosimo u nastavku, pa provjerite koji vam od njih mogu pomoći, a koji su čista laž.
@andrelifehack Oven cleaning hack😎 #andreiemelianov #lifehack #lifehacks #andrelifehack #clean ♬ Walking Around - Instrumental Version - Eldar Kedem
@andrelifehack Clean a pan😎 #andreiemelianov #lifehack #lifehacks #andrelifehack ♬ Monkey - 者思范Remix
@andrelifehack Kitchen hacks😎 #kitchenhacks #andreiemelianov #andrelifehack ♬ original sound - This is hack
@andrelifehack Wash greens before consuming😎 #andreiemelianov #lifehack #lifehacks #andrelifehack ♬ original sound - This is hack
@andrelifehack Does this really work, or is this video fake?😄😎 #andreiemelianov #lifehack #lifehacks #andrelifehack ♬ original sound - This is hack
@andrelifehack Posting the most interesting and useful life hacks of the week😎 #andreiemelianov #lifehack #lifehacks #andrelifehack ♬ original sound - This is hack
@andrelifehack Toothpaste for your mirror really does work😎 #lifehackvideo #lifehack #lifehacks ♬ оригинальный звук - This is hack
@andrelifehack A cool thing for eggs😎#lifehackvideo #lifehack #lifehacks ♬ оригинальный звук - This is hack
@andrelifehack The app’s name is Ring Sizer😎 #lifehackvideo #lifehack #lifehacks ♬ оригинальный звук - This is hack
@andrelifehack Exposing trick😎#lifehackvideo #lifehack #lifehacks #exposingtricks ♬ оригинальный звук - This is hack
@andrelifehack Find a not fitting lifehack😄 #lifehackvideo #lifehack #lifehacks ♬ оригинальный звук - This is hack
@andrelifehack You can use a vacuum cleaner to remove a black mask from your face😄#lifehackvideo #lifehack #lifehacks ♬ оригинальный звук - This is hack
@andrelifehack Save the video not to forget😎 #lifehack #lifehacks #lifehackvideo ♬ оригинальный звук - This is hack
@andrelifehack I love the first hack😁#lifehack #lifehackvideo ♬ оригинальный звук - This is hack
@andrelifehack Did you now about these lifehacks?😁😎#lifehack #lifehackvideo ♬ оригинальный звук - This is hack
@andrelifehack Checking lifehacks for you😎#lifehack #lifehackvideo ♬ оригинальный звук - This is hack
@andrelifehack Kitchen tips👍 amazing lifehack 😎#lifehack #lifehackvideo #kitchenhacks ♬ оригинальный звук - This is hack
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