Društvenim mrežama kruži snimka iz Australije na kojoj je zabilježen trenutak u kojem je kit opalio repom plivača koji mu se previše približio. Iako je plivanje s kitovima turistička atrakcija koju bi mnogi poželjeli isprobati, čini se da nije uvijek baš idilična.
Na snimci je zabilježen trenutak u kojem se grupa turista previše približila kitu koji je bio blizu površine, a u jednom trenutku kit je zaronio i repom opalio plivača. Snimku nezgode u kojoj na svu sreću nitko nije ozlijeđen možete pogledati u nastavku.
@maxandjacquelinep The most INSANE experience! Three Humpback Whales got so close to us and in the end a little too close! We’ve just published the full video on our YouTube channel so go watch the whole experience there. So, what happened? Three whales were swimming very close to us, not threatening but just curious. We were all holding onto a rope so that we would remain still and allow the whales to swim around us rather than us swim around them. We believe the end of the rope touched the whales tale, similar to how we flick away a fly, the whale flicked away the unfamiliar touch and there just happened to be a human about him! Our instructors were amazing and got us all out of the water safely and we have the most incredible story to walk away with! #whaleswim #humpbackwhale #caughtoncamera #gopro ♬ original sound - max&jacqueline
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